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Scholarship Repository

Communities and Collections

ScHOLAR is the main Community for the works in out institutional Repository. Within ScHOLAR there are several sub-communities and collections.

Collections contain all the significant work in the Repository. For instance, Law Faculty Scholarship is the collection that contains all the works of the Law Faculty.

Sub-communities contain several collections that have a similar theme. For instance, the sub-community Law School History contains collections such as Hooding Ceremonies, Cornerstone, Dictum, and The Jurist all of which are important former publications of the Law School. 

Below you will find an explanation of how to search within specific communities and collections. 

Search in Communities and Collections

To begin searching in a community or collection you must select a community or collection from the ScHOLAR homepage, such as the Law School History Community or the Dictum collection. Bolded Text indicates a community or sub-community.


Once you have selected a community or collection you will see the search feature of that community. 

Under "Browse by" are a list of options to sort the records in this community. For more in depth discussion on using this feature check out the "Using Discovery Tools" page.

Enter a search term in the box and click go to begin a search in the collection. 

To create a more narrow search click the "Add Filters" button underneath the search bar to add more filters to the search. 

ScHOLAR allows you to filter by Title, Author, Subject, Date, and Abstract, meaning that you can search for specific terms in each of those sections.