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Scholarly Research Resources

This guide describes the various services available to students participating on one of Texas Tech's law journals.

Library Services for Law Reviews & Journals


1. Shelf-checking assistance.  Librarian will assist and sit in the Collaborative Commons or up in the journal offices area to help students who are completing shelf-checks with finding sources/Bluebooking.  If this is a service you would like, please contact Professor Arrington.  We can schedule this as soon as you know your deadlines.

2. Training for new Articles Editors.  Topics could include finding resources in advanced research databases, good sources for finding PDFs of the original resources, as well as on ILL procedures.

3. Trainings for 2L staff members (shelf-checkers).  Topics could include how to do a preemption check for their desired note topic, how to do scholarly research, resources for finding an original note topic, or any research instruction that would be helpful for shelf-checks.  Ideally, Professor Williams could stop by your orientation to discuss these topics or at least to introduce herself to your staff so they know where to go when they need assistance.

4. Pre-shelf check.  For those article with difficult sources (for example, international articles), librarians can provide time-saving assistance by helping find some of the more esoteric sources before the article is handed over to those pulling sources.  The sooner we can start the better, so once you get the final draft of the paper from the author, please send them to Professor Arrington.

5. Student note research consultationsStudents can meet with a librarian to learn resources to help find an original note topic, for help running a preemption check, and to discuss resources for their student note.

6. Any other trainings you may desire. 

Note: To better serve your staff members, it would be very helpful if you would send Professor Arrington a copy of each manuscript you receive. Students often come by with just the citation they are struggling with or and/or only have a few pages of the manuscript. Without earlier context n the article, it can be difficult to identify and locate a source. If we have a copy of each, we can provide more prompt and helpful assistance to your members.