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Texas Legislature Online

A guide to using the Texas Legislature Online site

How to Use

You can only find the text and legislative history of bills from 1995 to the present. Make sure when you search that you have the correct legislature chosen.

The Introduced version is the text of the bill as it was first introduced to the legislature. The Engrossed version is the text of the bill after it has passed its originating house of the legislature. The Enrolled version is the text of the bill as it is passed by both houses of the legislature. It is known as the law.

When text is added to a code section, the new text is displayed as underlined. When text is removed from a code section, the old text is displayed as [strikethrough with brackets].

If you don’t know the bill number, search for it using a keyword or by browsing through a list of filed bills. The bill number beings with HB (House bill) or SB (Senate bill). Once you have this number, and then use Bill Lookup. Bill Lookup gives you general and specific information about the bill. This information includes: history, text, actions, companions, amendments, authors, sponsors, captions, and bill stages. Bill stages will let you see where the bill is in the legislative process.

You can save searches and then go back to them in your “MYTLO” page. Also, on the search results page, if you click the Texas map on the side. This gives you the option to add the bill to your Bill List or Alert List.  If you add the bill to your Alert List, then you will receive an email when the bills move.