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Terms & Connectors

A guide to Boolean search commands in Westlaw, Lexis+, Bloomberg Law & More

Terms & Connectors - Westlaw






Search for words with multiple endings



Search for words with variable characters


hearsay /p utterance

The search terms must appear in the same paragraph


ti(burke +p burke)

The first search term must precede the second term in the same paragraph


design /s defect

Search terms must appear in the same sentence


attorney +s fee

The first search term must precede the second term in the same sentence


personal /3 jurisdiction

Search terms must appear within n terms of each other, where n is a number from 1 to 255


elena +2 kagan

The first search term must precede the second term by n terms, where n is a number from 1 to 255

AND (&)

narcotics & warrant

Retrieve documents containing two or more search terms anywhere in the document

OR (space)

attorney lawyer counsel

Search for alternative terms


“multiple chemical sensitivity” % to(413)

Exclude documents that contain certain terms



Search term must appear in the results at least x number of times