The Texas Collection includes Texas legislative codes, session laws, journals, and historic compilations; administrative code and regulations; attorney general opinions; case digests; encyclopedias; form books; and municipal codes. The collection is located in two areas:
Frequently used Texas secondary materials may also be found in the Permanent Reserve Collection.
Students can also access Texas Government Materials from the following sites
The law library has an extensive collection of both print and online study aids covering first year courses, advanced requireds, and upper-level electives. Some of the series we have in print include:
Print study aids are located in the reserve area behind the Circulation Desk and circulate 2 items for 5 days.
The Law Library has rich collections of electronic study aids.
The LexisNexis Digital Library Study Aids collection is provided to you compliments of the TTU Law Library and offers easy online access to e-book versions of over 100 study guides published by LexisNexis. This Law School-wide subscription includes popular and trusted study aid titles, including the Understanding series, Questions & Answers series, and Skills & Values series. The OverDrive ebook platform allows you to create custom tags and annotations to help organize your studies. You may also print ebook content or download it for offline use.
The Permanent Reserves Collection is located behind the Circulation Desk. The Permanent Reserves Collection includes:
Many legal and law-related online databases are within the Law Libarry's subscription. Among the database providers are HeinOnline, Bloomberg Law, Lexis+, and Westlaw. For a complete list of databases, please see the Law Library’s Electronic Resources List.
In addition, law students can also access a wide variety of databases, electronic journals, and e-books through the University Library’s website.
The Law Library serves as a selective depository for U.S. government publications. You can find information on holdings of government documents using the Law Library’s online catalog. You can find more information at the Goverment Document Guide.
In addition, the University Library houses a full depository, and its resources.
Current issues and bound volumes of law reviews and periodicals are housed in the Lower Level Basement, East Wing. The volumes are arranged alphabetically by title. Law reviews and periodicals can be searched using the Index to Legal Periodicals. The Law Library also subscribes to HeinOnline, a searchable database that contains many law journals, particularly older volumes not carried by either Lexis Advance or Westlaw. The following are a list of databases to search law reviews and periodicals